Posts Tagged ‘food writing’

Guest Post: Gluten Free Mama’s Recipe for Key Lime Bars

It is a pleasure to guest blog on The Cheeky Celiac this week!  Thank you Kim for partnering with us for Celiac Awareness Month.  Kim posted our story earlier this month, so be sure to read that when you get a chance to get to know us.  Check out the giveaway of our products too. It’s Dairy Free […]

Eat Write Retreat! “Timing is Everything”

Ever since I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2008, I have been on a non-stop journey to learn as much as possible about living gluten free.  After reading massive quantities of books and surfing tons of websites, I found that I could learn more about my required gluten free lifestyle by attending any gluten […]

Want a cookie?

If the answer is YES – there’s something even better. St Julien’s Macaroons When you have children, you must have cookies in the house.  When your children have gluten and dairy sensitivities, finding delicious goodies can be a big challenge. Treats need to have awesome flavor while being made from the purest ingredients possible. In […]